How To Relieve Painful Arthritis


You know the pain of arthritis. While everyone has a different threshold for pain, arthritis pain is common in most people. This can make it difficult to perform normal repetitive joint movements. To feel better, it is important to learn how to relieve pain from arthritis.

Arthritis can be a problem with your joints. It can cause pain and swelling in the joints, which could limit your ability to move. It is important to learn how to treat painful arthritis and eliminate its symptoms. It can be difficult to deal with this type of disease, but knowing what to do will help you get rid of your painful symptoms. These are some helpful tips:

Anti-inflammatory drugs. Painkillers are the most popular way to treat painful arthritis. There are many NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs), that can be used to manage arthritis pains. You can also use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen to reduce swelling and ease pain. Celecoxib, Naproxen Sodium and Naproxen Sodium are prescription drugs. Side effects can occur, especially when drugs are taken for long periods of time. Side effects include dizziness, headaches, ringing of the ears, stomach discomfort, liver problems, and kidney problems. Ask your doctor which medication is right for you.

Deep breathing. It is easy to panic and get irritated when you are in pain. However, these feelings will not help your arthritis. Relax and calm down. Deep breathing can not only be beneficial for your health, but can also relieve pain from painful arthritis. Deep breathing helps release tension, relax your muscles, increase oxygen circulation, and stimulates the production endorphins. This is a chemical that our bodies produce to relieve pain. Slowly inhale slowly, letting your stomach out while you inhale. Inhale slowly and let your stomach in when you exhale.

Exercises. Some exercises can help with stiffness and pain in the joints. Talk to your doctor to determine which movements and exercises you should avoid or encourage. You may need to avoid certain movements to prevent further joint damage. There are also recommended exercises that can strengthen your bones and muscles to prevent arthritis flare-ups. Your doctor may recommend gentle stretching or exercises, or you might need to see a physical therapist. Before you begin any exercise program, make sure to consult your doctor.



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