A Compelling Look At Pain Relief


You're not the only one if your back hurts when you load groceries into the car, or your hands ache when you use the computer. A Stanford University Medical Center survey found that over half of Americans suffer from chronic or recurring pain. Although there are many causes and types, the majority of Americans have the same symptoms.

Your brain uses pain to signal your body that something is wrong. It is similar to your car's 'Check Engine' light. This is a warning system that you need to act to prevent the situation from getting worse. Best CBD Oil Southwark While it is useful in acute pain situations, such as when you accidentally slice your finger while cutting vegetables, or twist your ankle while playing soccer, chronic pain sufferers cannot quickly treat the cause. Chronic pain can affect their quality of living, affecting their ability to enjoy activities such as sports, sleep, and perform necessary tasks at work. So it is not surprising that Americans spend $1 on every $7 they earn to find pain relief.

There are many pain relief options available. Prescription medicines and over-the counter treatments are the most common. Massage, chiropractic visits and time-tested home remedies are all common treatments. Light exercise and stretching can also help relieve pain.

Researchers, doctors, and the general public are becoming more interested in the connection between mind and body. Yoga, meditation, and laughing clinics, where patients, under the guidance of a "laughing coach", try to laugh, snort and chortle to their pain relief, have experienced a similar rise in popularity. As medical research proves that these treatments have a positive effect on pain sufferers, acupuncture, homeopathic, and herbal remedies are beginning to gain acceptance in the medical community.

Surgery, on the other hand, remains a popular option for those who hope that extreme measures will bring about dramatic pain relief.

It's hard to believe that we aren't all joking and hopping down the street after all these treatments. These treatments don't always have the desired results. The majority of respondents to the Stanford survey mentioned above agree that most treatments work "somewhat well," but only a few people say they've had any success with any particular treatment.

Many patients and doctors agree that the best treatment is a combination, with the exact mix varying depending on the individual. It can be frustrating to constantly alter your treatment plan. However, pain relief is often a result of a process and not a magical cure.

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